Feriados e comemorações em todo o mundo

linkÍndia (Assam) : feriados, fechamento de bancos, as férias escolares

Índia (Assam) : calendário completo de feriados, fechamentos de bancos e bolsas de valores, as férias escolares, feiras, eventos culturais e esportivos, festivais, carnavais, eleição para os próximos 3 meses

  • Moeda: Rupee (INR)
  • Domínio na internet: .in - Código telefônico: +91 - Código de discagem internacional: 00
  • Fim-de-semana: sábado e domingo
  • PARA TRADUZIR NAS LINGUAS DESTE PAÍS: inglês (350 milhões de falantes em 47 países), bengali, assamês (180 milhões de falantes), hindi (200 milhões de falantes), panjabi (85 milhões de falantes), tâmil (55 milhões de falantes), télugo (70 milhões de falantes) ...
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  • DataNameTipoMais
    Segunda-feira 1 abril, 2024Inventário dos Bancosbancos apenas
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    Quinta-feira 11 abril, 2024Fim do Ramadã (pode ser transferido para o dia posterior mais próximo)Muçulmana
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    Sábado 13 abril, 2024Bohag BihuBudista-Hinduista
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    Domingo 14 abril, 2024Bohag BihuBudista-Hinduista
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    Segunda-feira 15 abril, 2024Bohag BihuBudista-Hinduista
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    Sexta-feira 19 abril, 2024Dia das Eleiçõesférias escolares
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    Sexta-feira 19 abril, 2024Eleições legislativaseventos excepcionais
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    Domingo 21 abril, 2024Sati Sadhani DivasBudista-Hinduista
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    Domingo 21 abril, 2024Mahavir JayantiJainismo
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    Sexta-feira 26 abril, 2024Eleições legislativaseventos excepcionais
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    Sexta-feira 26 abril, 2024Férias de verão (começo)férias escolares
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    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024Dia do TrabalhadorFeriado secular
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    Terça-feira 7 maio, 2024Eleições legislativaseventos excepcionais
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    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024Damodardev celebrationFeriado secular
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    Quarta-feira 15 maio, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Quarta-feira 15 maio, 2024Ano Novo bengaliFeriado secular
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    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024Bouddha PurnimaBudista-Hinduista
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    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024MadhavdevFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 17 junho, 2024Férias de verão (fim)férias escolares
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    Segunda-feira 17 junho, 2024Eid-ul-Adha ou Grande Bairam ou Aid ou Tabaski ou Tabaski ou Id-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) - (pode variarMuçulmana
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    Segunda-feira 1 julho, 2024Annual Closing of Reserve Bank of Indiabancos apenas
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    Terça-feira 2 julho, 2024Inventário dos Bancosbancos apenas
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    Quarta-feira 7 agosto, 2024TeejBudista-Hinduista
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    Quarta-feira 7 agosto, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Quinta-feira 15 agosto, 2024Ano Novo Farsi (clique)Zoroastri
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    Quinta-feira 15 agosto, 2024Dia da IndependênciaFeriado Nacional
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    Segunda-feira 19 agosto, 2024Raksha BandhanBudista-Hinduista
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    Sexta-feira 23 agosto, 2024Thithi of Sri Sri MadhavdevFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024Sri Krishna Jayanthi (Janmashtami)Budista-Hinduista
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    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024Reabertura da escolasférias escolares
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    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024Srimanta Sankardev dayBudista-Hinduista
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    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024Srimanta Sankardev dayFeriado secular
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    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024Os bancos remanescem abertosrbancos apenas
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    Sábado 14 setembro, 2024Karam PujaFeriado secular
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    Terça-feira 17 setembro, 2024Administração gabinetes fechadosFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 30 setembro, 2024Inventário dos Bancosbancos apenas
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    Quarta-feira 2 outubro, 2024Aniversário do Mahatma GandhiFeriado secular
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    Quarta-feira 9 outubro, 2024Feriado da metade do trimestre (começo)férias escolares
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    Sábado 12 outubro, 2024Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) (clique para explicações)Budista-Hinduista
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    Domingo 13 outubro, 2024Durga Puja (Nabami)Budista-Hinduista
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    Segunda-feira 14 outubro, 2024Feriado da metade do trimestre (fim)férias escolares
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    Quinta-feira 17 outubro, 2024Kati BihuFeriado secular
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    Quinta-feira 31 outubro, 2024Deepavali ou DiwaliBudista-Hinduista
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    Inventário dos Bancos

    Segunda-feira 1 abril, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Fim do Ramadã (pode ser transferido para o dia posterior mais próximo)

    Quinta-feira 11 abril, 2024
    Muçulmana : Ends the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There were 30 days of strict fasting from sunup to sundown in honor of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed.

    Bohag Bihu

    Sábado 13 abril, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : This is the beginning of the agricultural season.Bihu is celebrated by the all parts of Assam and all cast and religion.Directly we can say that Bihu is secular festival which brings the humanity,peace and brotherhood among the various cast and religion. [Wikipedia]

    Bohag Bihu

    Domingo 14 abril, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : This is the beginning of the agricultural season.Bihu is celebrated by the all parts of Assam and all cast and religion.Directly we can say that Bihu is secular festival which brings the humanity,peace and brotherhood among the various cast and religion. [Wikipedia]

    Bohag Bihu

    Segunda-feira 15 abril, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : This is the beginning of the agricultural season.Bihu is celebrated by the all parts of Assam and all cast and religion.Directly we can say that Bihu is secular festival which brings the humanity,peace and brotherhood among the various cast and religion. [Wikipedia]

    Dia das Eleições

    Sexta-feira 19 abril, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Eleições legislativas

    Sexta-feira 19 abril, 2024
    eventos excepcionais :

    Sati Sadhani Divas

    Domingo 21 abril, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : To honour the last queen of the Chutia dynasty. She was the daughter of the Chutia King Dharmadhwajpal also known as Dhirnarayan. Born in Sadiya, she was married to Nityapal or Nitai. In 1524, due to Nityapal's weak leadership, the Ahoms took advantage and attacked the kingdom at its weakest state, they conquered Sadiya and killed Nityapal.By attacking chutia kingdom ahom fullfilled their revenge because tai- ahoms king syutupha was killed by a chutia king sanghadhwazpal in sofrai river by conspiracy.So Sadhani who played a prominent role in the fight against the Ahoms was asked to marry Sadiyakhowa Gohain, the Ahom governor of Sadiya. Sadhani preferred death to dishonour, and sacrificed her own life by jumping from the top of Chandragiri hills near Sadiya in 1524. [Wikipedia]

    Mahavir Jayanti

    Domingo 21 abril, 2024
    Jainismo : Jain festival honoring Lord Mahavira on the founder's birthday.

    Eleições legislativas

    Sexta-feira 26 abril, 2024
    eventos excepcionais :

    Férias de verão (começo)

    Sexta-feira 26 abril, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Dia do Trabalhador

    Quarta-feira 1 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Chicago, sábado 1 de maio de 1886: 350.000 trabalhadores estão em greve. Elas querem uma 8 horas de trabalho diário. Todas as indústrias estão paralisados nacional. Na segunda-feira, a polícia abriu fogo. Na terça-feira, Chicago está novamente em greve. Na sequência de uma bomba lançada contra eles, a polícia abriu fogo. 12 mortos, dos quais 7 polícias. 8 anarquistas serão condenados e executados. Em 1889, o Movimento Internacional Socialista reuniu em Paris e declarou este dia internacional trabalhadores dia . Os soviéticos tomaram a mesma decisão, assim como os nazistas. Na França, ao abrigo do regime Vichy (1940-1944), a festa foi renomeado Dia do Trabalho .

    Eleições legislativas

    Terça-feira 7 maio, 2024
    eventos excepcionais :

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Damodardev celebration

    Quarta-feira 8 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Damodardev (1488–1598) was sixteenth century Ekasarana preceptor from Nalaca, Nagaon. Damodardev was contemporary of Sankardeva and influenced litterateur's like Bhattadeva.

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Quarta-feira 15 maio, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Ano Novo bengali

    Quarta-feira 15 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Under the Mughals, agricultural taxes were collected according to the Hijri calendar. However, as the Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar, it does not coincide with the harvest. As a result, farmers were hard-pressed to pay taxes out of season. In order to streamline tax collection, the Mughal Emperor Akbar ordered a reform of the calendar. Accordingly, Fatehullah Shirazi, a renowned scholar and astronomer, formulated the Bangla year on the basis of the lunar Hijri and Bangla solar calendars. The new year subsequently became known as Bôngabdo or Bengali year

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Bouddha Purnima

    Quinta-feira 23 maio, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : Celebração dos antigos gurus, particularmente Sage Ved Vyas, um guru tido como um removedor da escuridão e um professor. Se comemora na lua cheia do mês de Asadha.

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024
    bancos apenas :


    Sexta-feira 24 maio, 2024
    Feriado secular : Sri Sri Madhabdeva is an important preceptor of the Ekasarana Dharma known for his loyalty to his guru, Srimanta Sankardev as well as his artistic brilliance. Initially a sakta worshipper, he was converted to Ekasarana Dharma by the Sankardev and became his most prominent disciple. He became the religious as well as artistic successor of Sankardeva after the later's death in 1568. He is known particularly for his book of hymns, the Naam Ghoxa, as well as a large selection of songs called Borgeets. |Wikipedia]

    Férias de verão (fim)

    Segunda-feira 17 junho, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Eid-ul-Adha ou Grande Bairam ou Aid ou Tabaski ou Tabaski ou Id-Ul-Zuha (Bakrid) - (pode variar

    Segunda-feira 17 junho, 2024
    Muçulmana :

    Annual Closing of Reserve Bank of India

    Segunda-feira 1 julho, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Inventário dos Bancos

    Terça-feira 2 julho, 2024
    bancos apenas : Annual Closing of the Royal Bank of India (RBI)


    Quarta-feira 7 agosto, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : Teej, Hartalika. On this day Goddess Parvati is worshipped. Women, married and unmarried, mainly of Khas ethnicity, assemble at one place, in their finest attire and start dancing and singing devotional songs. Amidst all this, the grand feast takes place. The jollity often goes on till midnight, after which the 24hour fast starts. observed by women only

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Quarta-feira 7 agosto, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Ano Novo Farsi (clique)

    Quinta-feira 15 agosto, 2024
    Zoroastri :

    Dia da Independência

    Quinta-feira 15 agosto, 2024
    Feriado secular : Commemorates the day in 1947 when India achieved freedom from British rule

    Raksha Bandhan

    Segunda-feira 19 agosto, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : The annual festival of Raksha Bandhan, which is meant to commemorate the abiding ties between siblings of opposite sex, usually takes place in late August, and is marked by a very simple ceremony in which a woman ties a rakhi — which may be a colorful thread, a simple bracelet, or a decorative string — around the wrist of her brother(s). The word raksha signifies protection, and bandhan is an association signifying an enduring sort of bond; and so, when a woman ties a rakhi around the waist of her brother, she signifies her loving attachment to him. He, likewise, recognizes the special bonds between them, and by extending his wrist forward, he in fact extends the hand of his protection over her.

    Thithi of Sri Sri Madhavdev

    Sexta-feira 23 agosto, 2024
    Feriado secular : An important preceptor of the Ekasarana Dharma known for his loyalty to his guru, Srimanta Sankardev as well as his artistic brilliance. Initially a sakta worshipper, he was converted to Ekasarana Dharma by Sankardev and became his most prominent disciple. He became the religious as well as artistic successor of Sankardeva after the latter's death in 1568. He is known particularly for his book of hymns, the Naam Ghosa, as well as a large selection of songs called Borgeets. [Wikipedia]

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Sri Krishna Jayanthi (Janmashtami)

    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista :

    Reabertura da escolas

    Segunda-feira 26 agosto, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Srimanta Sankardev day

    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : 15th–16th century Assamese polymath: a saint-scholar, poet, playwright, social-religious reformer and a figure of importance in the cultural and religious history of Assam

    Srimanta Sankardev day

    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024
    Feriado secular : (1449–1568) saint-scholar, poet, playwright, dancer, actor, musician, artist social-religious reformer and a figure of importance in the cultural and religious history of Assam

    Os bancos remanescem abertosr

    Quarta-feira 4 setembro, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Karam Puja

    Sábado 14 setembro, 2024
    Feriado secular : A harvest festival celebrated by many groups of people in Jharkhand and areas, and it is dedicated to the worship of the god of power, youth and youthfulness.

    Administração gabinetes fechados

    Terça-feira 17 setembro, 2024
    Feriado secular :

    Inventário dos Bancos

    Segunda-feira 30 setembro, 2024
    bancos apenas :

    Aniversário do Mahatma Gandhi

    Quarta-feira 2 outubro, 2024
    Feriado secular : Mahatma Gandhi nasceu em 02 de outubro de 1869 e teve um papel fundamental na independência da India do Grã Bretanha. Ele provou ao mundo que era possível atingir a liberdade através do caminho da não-violência. www.indiaa2z.com

    Feriado da metade do trimestre (começo)

    Quarta-feira 9 outubro, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Vijaya Dashami (Dasera) (clique para explicações)

    Sábado 12 outubro, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : La victoire de Durga, sur le Mal, la destruction des Vasanas (subjectivité, désirs...) et achèvement de son Moi profond. Prépondérance de Saraswati (la science pure) sur Lakshmi (les sciences appliquées) ASSAM, BIHAR, BENGALE: preceded by 3 holidays. DELHI, KARNATAK, KERALA, TAMILNADU, UTTAR PRADESH: preceded by 1 holiday. RAJASTHAN, MANIPUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH: 1 holiday 2 days before (ex. Thursday AND Saturday)

    Durga Puja (Nabami)

    Domingo 13 outubro, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : Eighth day of Dashain. This is the day for animal sacrifices in homes all over the country. Some orthodox Hindus fast on this day and others who don't favor animal sacrifice offer vegetables like bottle gourds and radishes, coconuts, or eggs.

    Feriado da metade do trimestre (fim)

    Segunda-feira 14 outubro, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Kati Bihu

    Quinta-feira 17 outubro, 2024
    Feriado secular : Celebrated during the time of relocation of the rice sapling during the month of October. The granaries of the farmers usually remain empty during this time, hence it is known as Kongali (poor) Bihu

    Deepavali ou Diwali

    Quinta-feira 31 outubro, 2024
    Budista-Hinduista : The Light festival starts with festivities. The week celebrates 1.Dhanteras, 2.Kali Chaudas, 3.Deepavali, 4.Navu-Varsha (new year), 5.Bhai-beej. The Vai cast is mainly concerned. May last several days