Feriados e comemorações em todo o mundo

linkRússia (Chechênia) : feriados, fechamento de bancos, as férias escolares

Rússia (Chechênia) : calendário completo de feriados, fechamentos de bancos e bolsas de valores, as férias escolares, feiras, eventos culturais e esportivos, festivais, carnavais, eleição para os próximos 3 meses

  • Moeda: Ruble (RUR)
  • Domínio na internet: .ru - Código telefônico: +7 - Código de discagem internacional: 8-10
  • Fim-de-semana: sábado e domingo
  • PARA TRADUZIR NAS LINGUAS DESTE PAÍS: línguas vernáculas, russo, tártaro, bashkir (1 milhão de falantes), buriate (0,5 milhão de falantes) ...
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  • DataNameTipoMais
    Sexta-feira 27 dezembro, 2024Férias de inverno (começo)férias escolares
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    Quarta-feira 1 janeiro, 2025Ano Novo, com exceção deFeriado secular
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    Quinta-feira 2 janeiro, 202502-janeiroFeriado secular
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    Sexta-feira 3 janeiro, 2025Feriado rFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 6 janeiro, 2025FeriadoFeriado secular
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    Terça-feira 7 janeiro, 2025Dia do Natal OrtodoxoOrtodoxa
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    Quarta-feira 8 janeiro, 2025FeriadoFeriado secular
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    Segunda-feira 13 janeiro, 2025Feriado do Ano Novo (fim)férias escolares
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    Terça-feira 14 janeiro, 2025Ano Novo Ortodoxo (os bancos podem permanecer abertos)Cartões/Flores
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    Sábado 22 fevereiro, 2025FeriadoFeriado secular
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    Domingo 23 fevereiro, 2025Festa da defesa da pátriaFeriado secular
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    Quinta-feira 27 fevereiro, 2025Dia das Forças Especiaiseventos, celebrações, festivais
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    Sábado 8 março, 2025Dia da MulherFeriado secular
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    Domingo 9 março, 2025FeriadoFeriado secular
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    Sexta-feira 21 março, 2025Férias da primavera (começo)férias escolares
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    Quinta-feira 27 março, 2025Feriado do Ramadã (começo)férias escolares
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    Domingo 30 março, 2025Fim do Ramadã (pode ser transferido para o dia posterior mais próximo)Muçulmana
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    Segunda-feira 31 março, 2025Férias da primavera (fim)férias escolares
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    Férias de inverno (começo)

    Sexta-feira 27 dezembro, 2024
    Férias escolares :

    Ano Novo, com exceção de

    Quarta-feira 1 janeiro, 2025
    Feriado secular : The world's most widely celebrated holiday, New Years was set on January 1 by Julius Caesar because that was the date the Roman consuls took over their duties. Paid holiday when falling on Saturday or Sunday


    Quinta-feira 2 janeiro, 2025
    Feriado secular :

    Feriado r

    Sexta-feira 3 janeiro, 2025
    Feriado secular :


    Segunda-feira 6 janeiro, 2025
    Feriado secular :

    Dia do Natal Ortodoxo

    Terça-feira 7 janeiro, 2025
    Ortodoxa : Catholic Church should follow a new calendar – called the Gregorian calendar, more in sync with the sun than the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar was established by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Because it was the pope who ruled on it, many churches not in sync with the Vatican ignored it, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox among them. Protestants accepted the new calendar in the early 1700s. In 1922, the patriarch of Constantinople decided to follow the new Gregorian calendar in observance of Christmas, but not for Easter. His lead was followed by many other Orthodox churches. The only Orthodox churches that observe the Jan. 7 date are the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian churches, the Serbs and the Mt. Athos monks in Greece,


    Quarta-feira 8 janeiro, 2025
    Feriado secular :

    Feriado do Ano Novo (fim)

    Segunda-feira 13 janeiro, 2025
    Férias escolares : Ministry of Education
    International schools follow different calendars
    Official Russian Schedule
    Students attend class from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m
    many study programs are aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process
    PISA ranking (average 493): 483
    Compared with other OECD countries, Russia has some of the smallest class sizes and some of the shortest instruction hours per year
    Number of instructional days: 167
    PISA ranking (average 493): 487
    Schooling is mandatory till age 16
    Average class size: more than 20
    number of instructional hours per year in lower secondary education: 500
    Usually no school on Saturday
    School day duration: 6:30 hours
    No uniform required
    Saint Petersburg State University ranking: Times Higher Education #601-800/QS ranking #240/Shanghai #301-400
    Novosibirsk State University ranking: Times Higher Education #401-500/QS ranking #250/Shanghai #401-500

    We carry confirmed dates till Oct 2025

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries, including Russian schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.

    Ano Novo Ortodoxo (os bancos podem permanecer abertos)

    Terça-feira 14 janeiro, 2025
    Cartões/Flores : Rússia Soviética adoptou oficialmente o calendário gregoriano em 1918. Mas a Igreja Ortodoxa Russa continuam a usar o calendário juliano. Somente a comunidade ortodoxa


    Sábado 22 fevereiro, 2025
    Feriado secular :

    Festa da defesa da pátria

    Domingo 23 fevereiro, 2025
    Feriado secular : First celebrated in 1919 the holiday marks the date in 1918 during the Russian Civil War when the first mass draft into the Red Army occurred in Petrograd and Moscow. In January 1919 it was decided to combine the celebration that day with the anniversary of the publication of the decree on the establishment of the Red Army (of 18 February 1918). Since then it stayed that day. In 1923 it was officially named the Day of the Red Army and the Navy. In 1949, it was renamed Soviet Army and Navy Day. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the holiday was given its current name in 2002. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.

    Dia das Forças Especiais

    Quinta-feira 27 fevereiro, 2025
    Cultura : Para celebrar a operação militar para libertar a península da Criméia em 2014

    Dia da Mulher

    Sábado 8 março, 2025
    Feriado secular : This date is also commemorated at the United Nations. It celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women. The idea of an international women's day was first put forward at the turn of the 20th century amid rapid world industrialization and economic expansion that led to protests over working conditions. Women from clothing and textile factories staged one such protest on 8 March 1857 in New York City. work on weekends and non-working holidays is not overtime work.


    Domingo 9 março, 2025
    Feriado secular :

    Férias da primavera (começo)

    Sexta-feira 21 março, 2025
    Férias escolares :

    Feriado do Ramadã (começo)

    Quinta-feira 27 março, 2025
    Férias escolares :

    Fim do Ramadã (pode ser transferido para o dia posterior mais próximo)

    Domingo 30 março, 2025
    Muçulmana : Adyghaya, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Daghestan, Federal District of the North Caucasus, Ingushia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Crimea

    Férias da primavera (fim)

    Segunda-feira 31 março, 2025
    Férias escolares :